Florence (Italie) : The Ceramics Heritage 28 juin-2 juillet 1994
Les actes sont à commander à Florence International Congress Center, Piazza Adua 1, Florence
- AURA CASTRO (E.), DOMÉNECH CARBÓ (M.T.).- Mineral-petrographic characterization of medieval ceramics of Valencia by thin layers
- BAKIRER (Ö.), CANER SALTIK (E.), DEMIRCI (S.), BÖKE (H.).- Archaeometric and archaeological studies on the Medieval glazed ceramics of Anatolia
- BANDINI (G.), D’AVERSA (F.), MOIOLI (P.), SCAFÉ (G.), SECCARONI (C.).- Renaissance pottery from Central Italy. Provenance of clays and study of glazes and pigments
- BENENTE (F.), GARDINI (A.).- The tribute of archeological excavations to the knowledge of imported and local tablewares in Liguria. The XIIth and the XIIIth century evidence
- CASADIO (R.).- Majolica jugs ot the 13th to the mid 16th Century from the Faenza environment: analysis of the main shape typologies and the main decorative patterns around the central motifs
- CUTERI (F.A.).- Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. Early Medieval ceramics from Crotone: preliminary typological and technological aspects
- CUTERI (F.A.).- Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. The early Medieval glazed pottery in Calabria
- DASZKIEWIGZ (M.), RAABE (J.).- Technology of firing of grey ware, the so called « siwak » from fate Medieval Plock
- DE CRESCENZO (A.).- Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. The polychrome ware from Nicotera
- Dl GANGI (G.).- Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. Fine pottery from Tropea (CZ): typologycal and decorative problems
- GEGKINLI (A.E.), OKYAR (F.).- Characterization studies of Early lznik ceramics
- HUGHES (M.J.), BLAKE (H.), WILSON (T.), HURST (J.).- Neutron activation analysis of Italian maiolica and other Medieval Italian ceramics
- LEBOLE Dl GANGI (C. M.).- Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. Anphoraceus and broad fines between Gerace and Tropea: typologycal and decorative problems
- PARENTI (R.).- Clay brick production from antiquity to the Middle Age
- PISTAN (F.).- Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. Naked pottery and hearth pottery from Tropea (CZ): typologycal and manufacturing problems
- SMEKALOVA (T.N.).- Discovery and detail investigation Medieval pottery centers in the mountainous Crimea by means of magnetometry
- SOGLIANI (F.).- Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. The Medieval ceramic of Vibo Valentia
- TITE (M-S.).- Steps of innovation of European pottery
- VALERI (A.M.).- Dating criteria for Florentine « Zaffera a rilievo » maiolica
- VANDIVER (P.), MERKEL (J.), GIBSON (Mc G.).- The earliest glass in the Near East: possible connections with Faience and copper technologies