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Classement bibliographique Zielinski
Zielinski (dir.) 2019 : ZIELINSKI (C.) (dir.), BONNET (S.), REY (E.), HUGUET (C.), LACOMBE (A.), coll. : ATTIA (N.), CHATEAUNEUF (Fl.), CHAZOTTE (M.-A.), MAGNIN (Fr.), MELA (Ch.), TARDY DE MONTRAVEL (A.), NIN (N.), SUSINI (V.), 6, boulevard Ferdinand-de-Lesseps, 5, avenue de Tübingen, rapport final d’opération, DAVA, SRA PACA, 2019, 280 p.
Živković et al. 2017 : ŽIVKOVIĆ (J.), BIKIĆ (V.), GEORGAKOPOULOU (M).— Archaeology of consumption in Ottoman urban centres: the case study of Iznik ware from the Belgrade Fortress in the 16th and 17th centuries, Post-Medieval Archaeology 51, 2017, DOI: 10.1080/00794236.2017.1290490
Živković et al. 2021 : ŽIVKOVIĆ (J.), BIKIĆ (V.), GEORGAKOPOULOU (M.), .), CARVAJAL LOPÉZ (J. C.).— Ceramic production on the Middle Danube frontier: Belgrade in the 14th and 15th centuries, Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports 36, 2021, p. 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102809
Živković et al. 2021 : ŽIVKOVIĆ (J.), BIKIĆ (V.), GEORGAKOPOULOU (M.), .), CARVAJAL LOPÉZ (J. C.).— Archaeology of craft and artisans in the Ottoman Empire: a case of ceramic production in Belgrade during the 16th and 17th centuries, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13.4, 2021, article 63, p. 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01306-3
Зеленко et al. 2012 : Зеленко (С. М.), Тесленко (И. Б.), Ваксман (С. Й.).— Несколько групп поливной посудыс кораблекрушения конца XIII в.вблизи Судака( Крым ) (Морфологическая типология и лабораторные исследования ) (Several Groups of Glazed Pottery from the Late 13 th cent . Shipwreck Site near Sudak [Crimea]. Morphological Typology and Laboratory Research). In : 1000 років візантійської торгівлі(V-XV століття). Збірка наукових праць . МІ.Гладкіх (гол. ред.). Київ. 2012, p. 129-148.