
VII. Tessaloniki, 1999

 VIIème Congrès International de l’AIECM2, Tessaloniki, 1999

Référence des Actes :
VIIe Congrès International sur la céramique médiévale en Méditerranée. Charalambos BAKIRTZIS Ed. Tessaloniki, 11-16 octobre 1999. Athènes, Ed. de la Caisse des Recettes Archéologiques, 2003, 777 p.

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ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ / Préface
Professeur Evangelos VENEZELOS — ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ / Préface 15-17
Χαράλαμπος ΜΠΑΚΙΡΤΖΗΣ — ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ / Préface 19-22

ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ / Table des matières 23-26
Entre Orient et Occident La Céramique Byzantine, Xe-XVe Siècles 27
Χαράλαμπος ΜΠΑΚΙΡΤΖΗΣ — Η βυζαντινή κεραμική ανάμεσα σε Ανατολή και Δύση: Παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον 29-34
Guy D.R. SANDERS — An Overview of the new Chronology for 9th to 13th Century Pottery at Corinth 35-44
Δήμητρα ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΑ – ΜΠΑΚΙΡΤΖΗ — Εργαστήρια εφυαλωμένης κεραμικής στο βυζαντινό κόσμο 45-66

Nergis GÜNSENIN — Au Moyen-Âge, un centre de production en Propontide dominant aussi le Bassin Méditerranéen : le cas de Ganos 67-70
Ιωάννης ΚΑΝΟΝΙΔΗΣ — Μεσοβυζαντινή Εφυαλωμένη Κεραμική με λευκό πηλό από ανασκαφές οικοπέδων στη Θεσσαλονίκη 71-76

Alexander KUZEV — Byzantinische Keramik (11.-12. Jh.) aus der Dobrudscha 77-80
Stella PATITICCI UGGERI — « Zeuxippus Ware »: Novità da Kyme Eolica (Turchia) 81-90
Arthur H.S. MEGAW, Pamela ARMSTRONG, Helen HATCHER — Zeuxippus Ware: An Analytical Approach to the Question of Provenance 91-100
Alla ROMANČUK — Befunde der glasierten Keramik der spätbyzantinischen Zeit in Chersonesos: örtliche Herstellung und Import  101-114

Claudio CAPELLI, Tiziano MANNONI — Caratteristiche tipologiche ed archeometriche di un earea produttiva del XIII secolo da scoprire 115-124

Δημήτριος ΜΙΧΑΗΛΙΔΗΣ, Χαράλαμπος ΜΠΑΚΙΡΤΖΗΣ — «Αραβικοί» αμφορείς στην Κύπρο 125-136

Lucy VALLAURI, Gabrielle DÉMIANS d’ARCHIMBAUD, avec la collaboration de Florence PARENT, Catherine RICHARTÉ — La circulation des céramiques yzantines, chypriotes et du Levant chrétien en Provence, Languedoc et Corse du Xe au XlVe siècle 137-152

Marie-Louise von WARTBURG — Cypriot Contacts with East and West as Reflected in Medieval Glazed Pottery from the Paphos Region 153-166

Edna J. STERN, S. Yona WAKSMAN — Pottery from Crusader Acre: A Typological and Analytical Study 167-180

Marija BAJALOVIĆ – HADŽI – PEŠIĆ — Ornamentation of Medieval Serbian Tableware – Byzantine Heritage 181-190

Vesna BIKIĆ — Byzntine Models of Serbian Medieval Pottery 191-204

Henry MAGUIRE — The Feasting Cycle and the Meanings of Hybrids in Byzantine Ceramics 205-210

Ναταλία ΠΟΥΛΟΥ – ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ — Μεσοβυζαντινή κεραμική από την Κρήτη: 9ος – 12ος αιώνας 211-226

Chiara GUARNIERI, Mauro LIBRENTI — Ferrara, Via Vaspergolo-Corso Porta Reno: Ceramiche ingobbiate importate dall’Area Bizantina 227-232

Aimilia BAKOUROU, Evi KATSARA, Pari KALAMARA — Argos and Sparta: Pottery of the 12th and 13th Centuries 233-236

Afrim HOTI — Some Features of the early Medieval Pottery in Albania (7th-l1th Centuries) 237-240

Δαμιανός ΚΟΜΜΑΤΑΣ — Εφυαλωμένη κεραμική από πόλεις και κάστρα της Ηπείρου (Epirus Vetus, Epirus Nova). Eμπορικές και πολιτιστικές σχέσεις 241-244

Aikaterini TSANANA — The glazed Pottery of Byzantine Vrya (Vrea) 245-250

Félix TEICHNER — A Forgery of an early christian Pilgrim Ampul from the Max-Freiherr-von Oppenheim Collection (Cologne, Germany) 251-252

Ayyüz (Sabuncu) TOYDEMIR — Çukurova (Kilikya), Osmaniye ili, Ceyhan (Piramus) nehri yakınında, Aslantaş baraj suları altında kalmış olan haçlı kalesı Kumkale’nin keramik buluntuları. 253-258

Anastasios P. BOZOLOUPOS — Glazed Pottery of Thessaloniki: An archaeometrical Approach 259-260

Modes de production et modes de diffusion sur la longue durée 261

Jacques THIRIOT — Matériaux pour un glossaire polyglotte des termes techniques relatifs à l’atelier et au four de potier médiéval en Méditerranée 263-284

Henri AMOURIC, Jean-Louis VAYSSETTES — Les ateliers et le marché en Provence et Languedoc (XlVe-XVIIIe siècles) 285-302

Sabine LADSTÄTTER — Handelsbeziehungen der Provinz Noricum in der Spätantike am Beispiel des keramischen Fundmaterials 303-312

Véronique FRANÇOIS — Céramique fine de l’Anatolie seldjoukide : une production de tradition irano-caucasienne 313-324

Véronique FRANÇOIS, Andréas NICOLAÏDES, Lucy VALLAURI, Yona WAKSMAN — Premiers éléments pour une caractérisation des productions de céramiques de Beyrouth entre domination franque et mamelouke 325-340

Juan ZOZAYA, Alfredo APARICIO YAGÜE — Análisis de cerámicas andalusíes 341-350

Manuel MORATINOS GARCÍA, Olatz VILLANUEVA ZUBIZARRETA — Los alcalleres moriscos vecinos de Valladolid 351-362

Manuel RETUERCE VELASCO, Araceli TURINA GÓMEZ — Apuntes sobre la cerámica bajomedieval en verde y manganeso en el área central de la Corona de Castilla 363-374

Josefina PÉREZ-ARANTEGUI, María Pilar LAPUENTE — Las técnicas de producción de cerámicas en los talleres islámicos de Zaragoza (España) 375-380

Enrico ZANINI — La ceramica bizantina in Italia tra VI e VIII secolo. Un sistema informativo territoriale per lo studio della distribuzione e del consumo 381-394

Francesca SACCARDO, Lorenzo LAZZARINI, Michelangelo MUNARINI — Ceramiche importate a Venezia e nel Veneto tra XI e XIV Secolo 395-420

Paolo GÜLL — Roma nel rinascimento: un caso di autoconsumo? 421-426

Yves PORTER — Les techniques du lustre métallique d’après le JOWHAR-NÂME-YE NEZÂMI (1196 AD) 427-436

Alexandra GASPAR, Maria Isabel PRUDÊNCIO — Cerâmicas da Antiguidade Tardia de Braga (Portugal) Caracterização química e mineralógica 437-442

Platon PETRIDIS — Ateliers de potiers protobyzantins à Delphes 443-446

Hugo BLAKE, Michael J. HUGHES — The Introduction of Tin-glazed Ceramics in North-Western Europe: New Data from the British Museum Neutron Activation Analisis Programme 447-454

Nikos ZEKOS — A Glazed Pottery Workshop in Thrace 455-466

De Rome à Byzance ; de Fostat à Cordoue : Ve-IXe Siècles 467

Stella DEMESTICHA Amphora Production on Cyprus during the Late Roman Period 469-476

Lidia PAROLI, Ilaria de LUCA, Francesca SBARRA, Marco BORTOLETTO, Claudio CAPELLI — La ceramica invetriata altomedievale in Italia: un aggiornamento 477-490

Dominique ORSSAUD, Jean-Pierre SODINI — Le « Brittle Ware » dans le Massif Calcaire (Syrie du Nord) 491-504

Giovanni DI STEFANO — Ceramiche da cucina dal Chorion di Kaukana in Sicilia 505-508

Pinella MARCHESE — Ceramica a « vetrina pesante » rinvenuta alla periferia di Catania nell’insediamento bizantino di Nesima superiore 509-512

Ευγενία ΓΕΡΟΥΣΗ — «Αιγαιακό» εργαστήριο παραγωγής λυχναριών του 6ου αιώνα 513-516

Vera ZALESSKAYA — Les eulogies céramiques dans le monde byzantin (Ve-XIe siècles) 517-518

Anna Lia ERMETI — Materiali ceramici di età bizantina (VI-VII secolo) dallo scavo di Via Cattaneo a Cattolica 519-522

Discussion – Table ronde. De Rome à Byzance ; de Fostat à Cordoue : évolution des faciès céramiques en Méditerranée (Ve-IXe siècles) 523
Gabrielle DÉMIANS d’ARCHIMBAUD, Jean-Pierre SODINI, John HAYES, Platon PETRIDIS, Paul REYNOLDS, Alexandra USCATESCU, Roland-Pierre GAYRAUD, Michel BONIFAY, Adnan LOUHICHI, Lucy VALLAURI, Lidia PAROLI (Επιμέλεια – Edition: Michel BONIFAY) 525-594

Maghreb, Machrek et Occident 595

Roland-Pierre GAYRAUD — La tradition orientale du sgraffito : entre Byzance et le monde islamique, le cas de l’Égypte (Xe-XVe siècles) 597-604

Cristina TONGHINI — La graffita policroma nel Mediterraneo Orientale islamico: il caso di Qal‘at Ja‘bar (Siria) 605-612

Abdallah FILI — Les formes de propriété des ateliers de potiers de Fès d’après les archives des habous de l’époque alaouite (XVIIe-XIXe siècles) 613-620

Manuel ACIÉN ALMANSA, Patrice CRESSIER, Larbi ERBATI, Maurice PICON — Les céramiques tournées de Nak‚r (IXe-Xe siècles) 621-632

Aicha HANIF — Tamoukhakht, ancien centre de production céramique dans le Sud marocain 633-638

Isabel Cristina FERREIRA FERNANDES — Revestimentos e decoração na cerâmica islâmica de Palmela (Portugal)

Susana GÓMEZ MARTÍNEZ — Producciones cerámicas en la Mértola islámica 653-658

Ana GOMES — Cerâmica pintada a branco de Lisboa 659-668

Adnan LOUHICHI — La céramique de l’Ifriqiya du IXe au Xle siècle d’après une collection inédite de Sousse 669-682
Ma del Camino FUERTES SANTOS, Juan F. MURILLO REDONDO, Ma Dolores LUNA OSUNA — Aproximación a la evolución de la cerámica medieval cordobesa 683-684

Ma del Camino FUERTES SANTOS, Juan F. MURILLO REDONDO, Ma Dolores LUNA OSUNA — La cerámica almohade del Palacio de Orive en Córdoba 685-688

Abdallah FILI, Ronald MESSIER — La céramique médiévale de Sijilmasa 689-690

Jacinta BUGALHÃO, Deolinda FOLGADO — Islamic Pottery Production in the Outskirts of Lisbon 691-696

Teresa Júdice GAMITO — Ukxûnuba (Faro, Portugal). An islamic City on the Lagoon 697-700

Dernières découvertes 701

Euterpi MARKI, Maria CHEIMONOPOULOU — Céramique de l’époque paléochrétienne tardive de la fouille de Louloudies en Piérie 703-712

Λιάνα ΣΤΑΡΙΔΑ — Μεσοβυζαντινή εφυαλωμένη κεραμική από το Ηράκλειο 713-724

Paul REYNOLDS — Pottery and the Economy in 8th Century Beirut: An Umayyad Assemblage from the Roman Imperial Baths (BEY 045) 725-734

Joan-Manuel COLL I RIERA, Jordi ROIG I BUXÓ — Cerámicas reducidas de cocina de la antigüedad tardía en la Catalunya oriental (siglos V-VII) 735-738

Ma Carmen RIU DE MARTÍN — Cerámica verde-manganeso localizada en Cataluña (siglos XIV-XV): elementos decorativos 739-750

Jordi ROIG I BUXÓ, Joan-Manuel COLL I RIERA— El registro cerámico del asentamiento altomedieval de Castellar Vell (Castellar del Vallès, Barcelona), s. X-XI 751-754

Ελένη ΓΚΙΝΗ – ΤΣΟΦΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Ευγενία ΧΑΛΚΙΑ — Ταφική παλαιοχριστιανική κεραμική από την Αττική: οι περιπτώσεις της Σταμάτας και της Αναβύσσου 755-758

Manuela ALMEIDA TERREIRA — Trouvailles céramiques du Terreiro de Erva (Coimbra – Portugal) 759-762

Joanita VROOM — Broken Pottery and the Habitation History of Medieval and post-Medieval Boeotia (Greece) 763-768

Παρή ΚΑΛΑΜΑΡΑ — Η βυζαντινή κεραμική της Μονεμβασίας και η τοπική παραγωγή 769-772

Francine BLONDÉ, Arthur MULLER, Dominique MULLIEZ — Thasos. La céramique d’usage quotidien dans une demeure paléochrétienne 773-776

Voir aussi les publications des expositions accompagnant le congrès

Publications des expositions accompagnant le VIIe Congrès sur la Céramique Médiévale en Méditerranée, Thessalonique, 1999

Papanikola-Bakirtzi (D.),  Mavrikiou (F.N.), Bakirtzis (C.).— Byzantine Glazed Pottery in the Benaki Museum, Benaki Museum, Athens 1999, 204 p.

On the occasion of the 7th International Congress on Medieval Ceramics in the Mediterranean (Thessaloniki, 11-16 October 1999), the Benaki Museum in Athens organized a temporary exhibition of its collection of Byzantine glazed pottery and published the catalogue of the exhibition in Greek and English.  The collection was started by the founder of the museum, Andonis Benakis, and but it was augmented and systematised by the museum’s first director , Theodoros Makridis (1931-40).

The introduction to the catalogue describes how the collection was put together and underlines the importance of the collection, the core of which is made up of wares from Constantinople and talks about the interest which Byzantine glazed pottery aroused among scholars and collectors in the first hald of the twentieth century.  This is followed by the catalogue proper, 357 items in white or red clay, divided according to their decorative technique into groups:  Painted Ware (Polychrome tiles and vases, Green and Brown Painted Ware, Brown Painted Ware, Blue Painted Ware); Incesed Ware; Relief Ware/Slip-painted Ware; Sgraffito Ware (Fine Sgraffito Ware, Painted Fine Sgraffito Ware, Incised Sgraffito Ware, Champleve Ware, Zeuxippus Ware); Palaeologan Ware (Plain Sgraffito Ware, Green Sgraffito Ware, Brown and Green Sgraffito Ware, Cypriot Sgraffito Ware); Plain Glazed Palaeologan Ware.  Each group is preceded by an introduction giving technical characteristics, datings, and comments on the ceramics in that group.  All the pottery in the catalogue is illustrated by black-and-white photographs, and the most important pieces are accompanied by colour photographs and by drawings of the decoration and sections.  An abbreviated bibliography accompanies the footnotes.

The book is distributed by Benaki Museum, Koubari 1, Kolonaki Athens, Tel n° 00 30 1 36 11 617, fax 00 30 1 36 22 547

Papanikola-Bakirtzi (D.) ed.— Byzantine Glazed Ceramics. The Art of Sgraffito. Published by the Archaeological Receips Fund. Athens, 1999.

On the occasion of the 7th International Congress on Medieval Ceramics in the Mediterranean which was held in October 1999 in Thessaloniki, the Museum of Byzantine Culture organised an exhibition entitled Byzantine Glazed Ceramics. The  Art of Sgraffito,  which was accompanied by a catalogue in greek and english. The 270 pages present 307 vases from all over Greece, from the Peloponnese to Crete and Thrace each with a detaided commentary and fully illustrated with colour photographs and profiles.

The catalogue is divided into three parts. The first is devoted to the history and evolution of engraved decoration from the Middle Byzantine to the Post-Byzantine period (11th-17th cent.).

The second part comprises finds from the wrecks of two Byzantine ships, whose cargoes consisted mainly of glazed tableware with engraved decoration. The first of these sank about the middle of the 12th century off Pelagonnisi in the Northern Sporades, and the second in the early 13th century off Kastellorizo in the Dodecanese;

The third part contains groups of wares with shared features that may be attributed to specific production centres in Greece. There are also a significant number of finds associated with  the pottery manufacturing process, such as remains of kiln equipment and deformed, burned or unfinished wares.

Byzantine Glazed Ceramics. The  Art of Sgraffito aspires, through the 300-plus representative items which it presents and the introductory texts written by Demetra Papanikola-Bakirtzis, Aikaterini P. Dellaportas, Guy D. R. Sanders, Nikolaos Zikos, Georgia Papazotos, to make a contribution to the study of Byzantine pottery.

The book is distributed by Eleftheroudakis Bookstores, 17 Panepistimiou str., Athens.  tel. 00 30 1 33 14 180, fax 00 30 1 32 39 821